The holiday season is upon us. What with holiday parties and that big holiday meal, December 31st will find most of us thinking about resolutions to handle those inevitable extra pounds. With statistics showing that 45 percent of us will resolve to lose weight or get in shape but only 20% of us will keep our resolutions, it’s time for some resolutions we can actually keep.
An Organized Soul Is A Happy One
Instead of (or perhaps in addition to?) resolutions to lose weight or get in shape, consider a resolution to get organized. Of course, we all know that being organized is a good idea, but what are the specific benefits?
Would you like to reduce your stress levels? Increase your happiness? Streamline production?
Of course you would. And becoming organized will help. When a person is in a cluttered space their attention is distracted by the many things scattered around them. In addition to this, time spent searching for something that should be easy to find is time wasted.
A disorganized space is actually proven to add stress and inefficiency. And who wants that?
A Place For Everything And Everything In Its Place
When getting organized, the first thing to do is look around your work space. Categorize the things you see lying around. Do you have stacks of papers? Bills mixed in with other things? How about the pens, pencils, paperclips and other tools you use every day - are they neatly stored, or are they left wherever you happened to set them down?
Office products that allow you to separate papers, store things neatly, and save space more than pay for themselves in terms of saved time and decreased stress. They are really fun to shop for as well.
With minimal cost and effort you can find office products to help you organize your things. You’ll be surprised how much more you will want to be in your office space when everything is neat and orderly.
Beauty May Not Be Everything, But……
Of course, we all know it’s what’s on the inside that counts, but when it comes to where you spend most of your daylight hours, a beautiful space can make a difference in your general well-being.
This New Year consider a resolution to fill your life with class and beauty. Although it can be expensive to renovate/replace everything in your space, it is easy and inexpensive to make some simple changes in your office.
When creating the perfect work space, consider these easy steps:
● Create a space plan that matches your workflow. Sometimes just moving furniture into a more efficient configuration can decrease stress and increase production.
● If your office furniture is starting to look rundown, freshen things up with a new coat of paint. New-looking furniture makes a space look and feel cleaner.
● Choose a favorite color and add some accents using it. Hide/replace items that don’t coordinate with your color scheme.
● Choose organizing products that will stand the test of time. Transparent products with gold tones are classy and won’t go out of style. At OfficeGoods we have a line of acrylic products that will add an aesthetic tone to your work space.
Happy New Year To You
Whatever your New Year’s resolutions are, just remember that you deserve a happy, successful year. Keep them simple and do one thing at a time. Pick the resolution that is most important to you and start there. Breaking it down into shorter goals and setting a timetable for each is a commonly successful approach. Before you know it, you will be part of that 20% who succeed in accomplishing their New Year’s goals.