Do you remember the days when you used to idly doodle your crush’s name in your notebook or decorate it with whatever came to mind?
Okay, admittedly you probably should’ve been paying attention to whatever class you were in, but wasn’t there just something so wonderful about all those pictures and words spreading in colorful abandon?
And if you were really lucky, you had a huge set of gel pens to make your work a true piece of art. (Remember the Gelly Rolls?!)
But are gel pens just for kids? Thankfully, no. People of all ages can do these great things with them:
Colors, Colors Everywhere
One of the best things to do with gel pens is to color with them! And before you dismiss coloring as just a child’s pastime, you should know that an estimated 12 million adult coloring books were sold in 2015 alone. And while sales have dropped since then, adult coloring books are still as satisfying as ever.
A Message From The Heart
Instead of a store-bought card, a homemade card is the perfect way to send a message of love, condolence, or support. And gel pens are the perfect tool to add color (and sparkle!) to your heartfelt message.
After all: Why say “I Love You” in black or blue when you can say it in the brilliant colors of the rainbow?!
Business As Usual
Believe it or not, gel pens are great around the office. Depending on the tone of your workplace, you may need to put away the neon ones for later, but even gel pens with more subdued colors are fun to write with. They are odorless and so smooth - perfect for signing documents or taking notes.
School Is In Session
Speaking of taking notes:
Gel pens are perfect for this task. They can turn even the driest lesson into a colorful extravaganza. And don’t forget:
Teachers love gel pens too! They are perfect for grading papers or color-coding lesson plans. So if you want to get on your teacher’s good side, give them a pack of bright gel pens.
A Different Day, A Different Color
Gel pens are great for personal use as well. They are handy for anything from signing checks to jotting a quick note to your family. Need to make sure you don’t forget anything while out shopping? Bust out your favorite gel pen and make a list. Want to send a note in your child’s lunchbox? Write them something in their favorite color.
I’m Feeling A Little…...Moody
Because gel pens come in so many colors, there is one to match any mood you might be in. This can turn an ordinary diary into a colorful expression of your feelings on a particular day. It can be fun (and somewhat cathartic) to write about something that made you angry in bright red or something that made you fall in love in a beautiful pink (or whatever color says love to you.) And beyond the fun, it turns your thoughts and feelings into a work of art!
An Option For The Organized Soul
If you are one of those people who categorizes their pantry or organizes their closet by clothing type, you probably also like to color-code things. Gen pens to the rescue! There are so many colors available that you are unlikely to run out of categorizing options no matter how picky you want to get. (Hey - you do you! :)
This is also useful when it comes to planning things out on a calendar. Just use a different color for each type of activity or for each person in your family. You’d be surprised by just how much something like this can help.
So grab some gel pens and add some color to your life!